Stay Awake
Come Lord Jesus Come
The Spirit and the bride say, “Come.” And let everyone who hears say, “Come.”
O Adonai:
“My Dear Children you see that I carry my dear Son in my womb, my children you too can carry Jesus in your hearts each day and just as He grew in my womb so will He grow in your heart and just as He was born into the world, so will he be born again in you.
Say yes my children to your Saviour and He will do all things in you and for you as He did in me. If you have Faith and Trust in Him see how your relationship with Him will grow and your hearts will flourish, You will be able to lay your burdens down before His manger and rejoice even in the midst of all the confusion upon the Earth in these days, and you will be filled with Joy that the Son of God, the Most High is once again born into your hearts.
My dear ones Love conquers all, do say yes to receiving Him your Saviour and you will see great improvements in your prayer lives and your work for Gods Kingdom throughout the World, He who Loves unconditionally will make your concerns His own, remember that His Love outweighs all obstacles for He truly is The Son Of God, The Most High, and worthy of all Praise. Love Him my dear ones as He Loves you.
Mary Mother of Jesus and your Mother too."
Please pray for his wife Christine who is recovering from Covid.
Pray for Dave who has been diagnosed with colon and liver cancer.
Pray for Peter Henri's younger brother Paul who is in hospital with Covid
Pray for Dr. Maria, who is receiving 4 hourly Nebulisers from the Covid she had back in April, that God will heal her completely.
Pray for Pat who has not only cancer but now found out that her terrible back pain is a disk that’s resting on another disc, and they won’t operate.
Pray for Ann who has mental health problems and is a lapsed Catholic. May Our Blessed Mother pray for graces of conversion for her and improvement in health.
Pray for the repose of Peter's soul and comfort for his mother Marie.
Pray for Marie Bedingfield.
Pray for Sarah and Dan for help in making a decision.
Pray for Anthony who is going through a difficult time. May he find healing and peace.
Please pray for healing for David who has had a breakdown.
Pray for our Government, local authorities and the health services as they try to deal with the new upsurge in the Corona Virus. Pray for a speedy end to the Coronavirus pandemic throughout the world, and for all those who have contracted the virus and for those who have died. Pray for a vaccine.
Pray for Ann Conroy and Jim Noone who died recently and pray for their families.
Pray for John and Kathleen Morgan. John is recovering from an operation on his face for skin cancer and Kathleen is having difficulty walking because of severe arthritis. They are both in their 80s.
Pray for healing for Dave with long term walking difficulties.
Pray for Annabelle who has bi-polar. Thankfully her medication is now keeping things under control.
Pray for the crisis in Yemen, years of war are being compounded by the effects of coronavirus and food and clean water is scarce and medical resources are minimal.
Continue to pray for healing for John who is doing well and starting further chemotherapy treatment for his brain tumour.
Continue to pray for Eileen who was undergoing chemotherapy for bowel cancer.
Pray for Zoe diagnosed with breast cancer.
Pray for our priests and our parishes.
Pray for the intentions of all members of Theotokos.
Pray for lost souls.
Pray for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the Church and the World.
Please let me know if you have anything to share (prayers, readings, pictures , prophecies, inspirations) or any intercessions.
Also please let me have any news on those we are praying for so I can keep the intercession list up to date.
You can also get in touch just to say hello!