Virgin of Vladimir (+ image by the hand of Stephen Allison 2008)

Sunday 27 August 2017

Stand firm in the battle to help save souls

Notes of Meeting on 22 August 2017

Picture of Jesus accompanied by Our Blessed Mother.
They came among us and prayed with us to the Father.
They seemed to glow with the fire of love; their hearts came out of them and danced before us soaring up to the heavens and back down as we were praising God.
Then all became serene and calm. We were asked by Our Blessed Mother to each present our own heart to the Sacred Heart of Jesus; but before doing so she asked if she might give it a little clean first. The queue to Our Blessed Mother was long but she patiently cleaned and polished each one ready for her Son. As each one left Jesus beheld each soul's heart and His joy at seeing such clean and wholesome hearts was overwhelming. He wept with joy.
This was not my any merit of ours but by Our Blessed Mother's prayers for graces.
Jesus says:
"My children your heavenly Mother works with you and through you preparing you, your hearts, minds, bodies and souls. Follow her in everything and you will gradually become more perfect, as she is.
You will know great joy as I do even now knowing that in this darkness My Own are trying to live in the Light of My Spirit.
You will be like soldiers, willing and able to fight the good fight against evil and so draw others to Me.
Pray much for those who cannot see any light, that the Father in Heaven will send graces through My Scared Heart and the Most Immaculate Heart of My Mother, that they too shall be perfected and able to enter the Kingdom.
There may have been a time when you yourself didn't know Me even though I always knew you. By grace and the prayer of your forbears you stand with Me today. So help your brothers and sisters stand firm in the battle to help save souls from My adversary.
Follow her who is Satan's nemesis.
I, Jesus bless you."

Friends, today we celebrate the Queenship of Mary. Mary, Queen Mary, was the definitive bearer of the divine presence, the Ark of the Covenant par excellence. When she visited her cousin Elizabeth, the infant John the Baptist leapt in his mother’s womb, doing his own version of David’s dance before the Ark.
The Queen Mother—like all of the monarchs of Israel—is a fighter. Israel frequently brought the Ark into battle with them. Most famously, the priests paraded around the city of Jericho bearing the Ark, just before the walls came tumbling down.
The Queenship of Mary is not a sentimental feast. Whenever biblical people spoke of kings or queens, they were speaking of warriors. The question for us is, which side are we on? Those trained in the Jesuit spiritual tradition know of the “two standards” meditation, which compels us to make the simple choice: In which army do you serve?
We fight, of course, not with the puny weapons of the world, but with the weapons of the Spirit; by God we fight. So don’t just honour and acknowledge the Queenship of Mary; get in her army.
Bishop Robert Barron 22/08/2017

Matthew 12 v 1 - 21
12 At that time Jesus went through the cornfields on the Sabbath. His disciples were hungry and began to pick some ears of corn and eat them. When the Pharisees saw this, they said to him, ‘Look! Your disciples are doing what is unlawful on the Sabbath.’
He answered, ‘Haven’t you read what David did when he and his companions were hungry? He entered the house of God, and he and his companions ate the consecrated bread – which was not lawful for them to do, but only for the priests. Or haven’t you read in the Law that the priests on Sabbath duty in the temple desecrate the Sabbath and yet are innocent? I tell you that something greater than the temple is here. If you had known what these words mean, “I desire mercy, not sacrifice,”[ you would not have condemned the innocent. For the Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath.’
Going on from that place, he went into their synagogue, 10 and a man with a shrivelled hand was there. Looking for a reason to bring charges against Jesus, they asked him, ‘Is it lawful to heal on the Sabbath?’
11 He said to them, ‘If any of you has a sheep and it falls into a pit on the Sabbath, will you not take hold of it and lift it out? 12 How much more valuable is a person than a sheep! Therefore it is lawful to do good on the Sabbath.’
13 Then he said to the man, ‘Stretch out your hand.’ So he stretched it out and it was completely restored, just as sound as the other. 14 But the Pharisees went out and plotted how they might kill Jesus.
15 Aware of this, Jesus withdrew from that place. A large crowd followed him, and he healed all who were ill. 16 He warned them not to tell others about him. 17 This was to fulfil what was spoken through the prophet Isaiah:
18 ‘Here is my servant whom I have chosen,
    the one I love, in whom I delight;
I will put my Spirit on him,
    and he will proclaim justice to the nations.
19 He will not quarrel or cry out;
    no one will hear his voice in the streets.
20 A bruised reed he will not break,
    and a smouldering wick he will not snuff out,
till he has brought justice through to victory.
21     In his name the nations will put their hope.’


Psalm 148

Praise the Lord.
Praise the Lord from the heavens;
    praise him in the heights above.
Praise him, all his angels;
    praise him, all his heavenly hosts.
Praise him, sun and moon;
    praise him, all you shining stars.
Praise him, you highest heavens
    and you waters above the skies.
Let them praise the name of the Lord,
    for at his command they were created,
and he established them for ever and ever –
    he issued a decree that will never pass away.
Praise the Lord from the earth,
    you great sea creatures and all ocean depths,
lightning and hail, snow and clouds,
    stormy winds that do his bidding,
you mountains and all hills,
    fruit trees and all cedars,
10 wild animals and all cattle,
    small creatures and flying birds,
11 kings of the earth and all nations,
    you princes and all rulers on earth,
12 young men and women,
    old men and children.
13 Let them praise the name of the Lord,
    for his name alone is exalted;
    his splendour is above the earth and the heavens.
14 And he has raised up for his people a horn,
    the praise of all his faithful servants,
    of Israel, the people close to his heart.
Praise the Lord.




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