Alleluia, alleluia!
If anyone loves me he will keep my word,
and my Father will love him,
and we shall come to him.
Gospel: Mark 3:20-35
A kingdom divided against itself cannot stand
Jesus went home with his disciples, and such a crowd collected that they could not even have a meal. When his relatives heard of this, they set out to take charge of him, convinced he was out of his mind.
The scribes who had come down from Jerusalem were saying, ‘Beelzebul is in him’ and, ‘It is through the prince of devils that he casts devils out.’ So he called them to him and spoke to them in parables, ‘How can Satan cast out Satan? If a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot last. And if a household is divided against itself, that household can never stand. Now if Satan has rebelled against himself and is divided, he cannot stand either – it is the end of him. But no one can make his way into a strong man’s house and burgle his property unless he has tied up the strong man first. Only then can he burgle his house.
‘I tell you solemnly, all men’s sins will be forgiven, and all their blasphemies; but let anyone blaspheme against the Holy Spirit and he will never have forgiveness: he is guilty of an eternal sin.’ This was because they were saying, ‘An unclean spirit is in him.’
His mother and brothers now arrived and, standing outside, sent in a message asking for him. A crowd was sitting round him at the time the message was passed to him, ‘Your mother and brothers and sisters are outside asking for you.’ He replied, ‘Who are my mother and my brothers?’ And looking round at those sitting in a circle about him, he said, ‘Here are my mother and my brothers. Anyone who does the will of God, that person is my brother and sister and mother.’
Lord, fill us with your Holy Spirit, help us never to grieve your Holy Spirit.
Lord, forgive us our sins and may we be merciful to others.
Lord, help to do the will of God Our Father and Your Father.
Sacred Heart of Jesus have Mercy on us.
Immaculate Heart of Mary pray for us.
Pray for our young people that they may be protected from the evil one, that they may find a home in the loving Heart of Jesus.
Pray for healing for Kyle, Catherine and Peter, Anne Shepherd, Felicity, Jessica, Marie Bedingfield, Milo, Bob, Rosie, John Joynes, Vanessa, Cathy, Matthew, Gina Hardy, Jeff Shore, Owen McEneaney, Reese, Rosie, Tony, Joan, Jackie, Nathan, Jessica, David, Derek, Malcolm, Hollie, and Harlan Moon.
Pray for the intentions of Javier.
Pray for Bob diagnosed with terminal cancer and given a maximum of two years to live.
Pray for healing for Alan Guile who isn't well and not sleeping,
Stephen says thank you for prayers and his tooth infection has now healed.
Pray for all in our Parishes who are ill in body, mind or spirit.
Pray for all those we have been asked and have promised to pray for.
Pray for all who are grieving give them strength, consolation and healing.
Pray for our Priests and for vocations to the Priesthood.
Pray for lost souls.
Pray for the conversion of the World.
Lord we continue to pray for Peace in Ukraine and in Israel and Gaza and throughout the World.
Lord we pray for persecuted Christians throughout the World.
Lord we pray for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit on all peoples and nations.
Pray for the Holy Souls in Purgatory may they be granted eternal rest.
Mary, Mother of God, Theotokos, pray for us.
Mary Queen of Peace, pray for us.
Mary, Bride of the Spirit, pray for us.
If anyone has any prophecy, prayers, readings or intercessions I encourage you to please send them to me. Let us share with one another the gifts and inspirations of the Spirit!
Also if there any changes necessary to the intercessions - please let me know
1.Theotokos Prayer Group:
2. Daily Mass readings can be found at:
3. Bishops Conference of England and Wales Website -
4. Diocese of Hexham & Newcastle Website:
Home - Diocese of Hexham & Newcastle (diocesehn.org.uk)
5. Catholic Charismatic Renewal in England:
6. Catholic Charismatic Renewal International
7. Celebrate Conference website
8. CHARIS in England and Wales
Next meeting of Theotokos Prayer Group is on 11 June 2024
Meet at St Mary's Presbytery, Major Street, Stockton on Tees at 7.30PM. All welcome.
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