d to the note Urgent Prayers.
1 hour ago
replied to a comment on the note Urgent Prayers.
Be assured of my continued love ❤️ and prayers 🙏🕊🙏🕊🙏❤️🕊💙📿✨📿
Sun, Feb 27 - 4:22PM
Thank you Eileen ♥
Sun, Feb 27 - 5:02PM
yesterday at 11:02PM
Theotokos Prayer Group 2022. Bulletin.
to Theotokos Prayer Group
yesterday at 5:39PM
edited the note Theotokos Prayer Group 2022. Bulletin. in Theotokos Prayer Group
yesterday at 5:38PM
replied to a comment on the note Urgent Prayers.
I had a picture of Ann and her spiritual body seemed to leave her earthly body, it was Our Lady Who took her hand, Our Mother lead her toward Jesus, Ann looked radiant and young and dressed in a white garment and she looked so Beautiful, she then looked back at you and Sent a kiss to You Stephen and you could feel deep Peace in Your Heart, then Ann went straight in to the arms Of Our Lord His Arms Outstretched to Gather Her to Himself and they slowly went up and out of view. Our Blessed Mother covered You with Her Mourning Veil, but said to You, “My Dear Son I know deep in My Heart the Sorrow You Feel for Did I Not Feel it So when Jesus died, but My Son You Will feel Joy again as I did, knowing that My Son was with the Father in Heaven and so it is with Ann, and You know that deep in Your heart She Will be with You, and then on The Glorious Day You Will be Reunited Again, every Tear will be Removed and only Joy Happiness and Peace, I will Pray for Strength for You, look Always at My Son Jesus and You Will Feel Peace. You are My Son and I enfold You in My Motherly Arms” Mary.
Stephen I had this picture weeks ago, I hope it helps in some way! When the time comes for Ann to go, she is beloved and has nothing to fear. X
I had a picture of Ann and her spiritual body seemed to leave her earthly body, it was Our Lady Who took her hand, Our Mother lead her toward Jesus, Ann looked radiant and young and dressed in a white garment and she looked so Beautiful, she then looked back at you and Sent a kiss to You Stephen and you could feel deep Peace in Your Heart, then Ann went straight in to the arms Of Our Lord His Arms Outstretched to Gather Her to Himself and they slowly went up and out of view. Our Blessed Mother covered You with Her Mourning Veil, but said to You, “My Dear Son I know deep in My Heart the Sorrow You Feel for Did I Not Feel it So when Jesus died, but My Son You Will feel Joy again as I did, knowing that My Son was with the Father in Heaven and so it is with Ann, and You know that deep in Your heart She Will be with You, and then on The Glorious Day You Will be Reunited Again, every Tear will be Removed and only Joy Happiness and Peace, I will Pray for Strength for You, look Always at My Son Jesus and You Will Feel Peace. You are My Son and I enfold You in My Motherly Arms” Mary.
Stephen I had this picture weeks ago, I hope it helps in some way! When the time comes for Ann to go, she is beloved and has nothing to fear. X
Sat, Feb 26 - 2:32PM
Thank you so much for sharing that with me Clayne it's a wonderful help.
Ann was more responsive today and we were able to pray together. She seems very close to and in communion with the Holy Spirit at the moment 🕊 ♥
Ann was more responsive today and we were able to pray together. She seems very close to and in communion with the Holy Spirit at the moment 🕊 ♥
Sat, Feb 26 - 2:53PM
Saturday at 8:53PM
replied to a comment on the note Urgent Prayers.
Wii do Steve. Lean on Jesus. 🙏🙏❤️❤️
Sat, Feb 26 - 4:26AM
Thank you Pauline. Jesus our Rock and our Saviour. AMEN ♥ 🙏 😘
Sat, Feb 26 - 9:01AM
Saturday at 3:01PM
replied to a comment on the note Urgent Prayers.
Dear Stephen
Is Ann at home or still in Hospice? I’m praying and offering my communion every day!
I Pray for Courage for You and Peace and Trust in the Lord for Ann. God Bless! Cx
Is Ann at home or still in Hospice? I’m praying and offering my communion every day!
I Pray for Courage for You and Peace and Trust in the Lord for Ann. God Bless! Cx
Fri, Feb 25 - 11:34AM
Ann is at the Hospice, have been to sit with her this afternoon and going back tomorrow xx thank you for the prayers 😘
Fri, Feb 25 - 11:42AM
Friday at 5:42PM
replied to a comment on the note Urgent Prayers.
I am praying now Steve
Fri, Feb 25 - 11:01AM
Thank you you Maurice
Fri, Feb 25 - 11:11AM
Friday at 5:11PM
replied to a comment on the note Urgent Prayers.
🙏🙏🙏for Ann x x x
Fri, Feb 25 - 10:09AM
Many thanks 😘
Fri, Feb 25 - 10:52AM
Friday at 4:52PM
Urgent Prayers
to Theotokos Prayer Group
Friday at 3:03PM
saved a draft note Urgent Prayers in Theotokos Prayer Group
Friday at 3:02PM
saved a draft note Theotokos Prayer Group 2022. Bulletin. in Theotokos Prayer Group
Thursday at 10:03PM
replied to a comment on the note Theotokos Prayer Group 2022 - bulletin.
Take lots of water Stephen, hope you have some medication and it clears soon. Love to you both. CX
Sun, Feb 20 - 3:43PM
Thank you Clayne 👍 😘 💦
Sun, Feb 20 - 4:54PM
Sunday, February 20 at 10:54PM
Clayne Shore and
1 other person
replied to the note Theotokos Prayer Group 2022 - bulletin.
Sunday, February 20 at 9:43PM
replied to a comment on the note Theotokos Prayer Group 2022 - bulletin.
Get well soon, Steve. 🙏🙏❤️❤️
Sun, Feb 20 - 12:30PM
Thank you so much Pauline 👍 😘
Sun, Feb 20 - 1:21PM
Sunday, February 20 at 7:21PM
Theotokos Prayer Group 2022 - bulletin
to Theotokos Prayer Group
Sunday, February 20 at 5:02PM
saved a draft note Theotokos Prayer Group 2022 - bulletin in Theotokos Prayer Group
Sunday, February 20 at 5:02PM
Ann Liddell and
2 other people
replied to the note Theotokos Prayer Group 2022 - Update No. 3.
Sunday, February 20 at 9:29AM
replied to a comment on the note Theotokos Prayer Group 2022 - Update No. 3.
Took you both to Holy Family mass this morning. Blessings, Ann and Mike
Tue, Feb 15 - 8:29AM
Thank you so much for prayers 🙏 😘
Tue, Feb 15 - 8:58AM
Tuesday, February 15 at 2:58PM
replied to a comment on the note Theotokos Prayer Group 2022 - Update No. 3.
Dear Stephen I’m so glad that Ann is getting some proper pain control help, use this time Stephen to get some much needed sleep yourself and don’t feel guilty about it, you are very beloved of God and you need to look after yourself as well as Ann, otherwise you will be no good to her as well. When you go to see her give her a kiss from me.
Love Clayne
Love Clayne
Sun, Feb 13 - 3:01PM
Thanks Clayne, I'm seeing Ann tomorrow and will pass on your kiss 😘 🙏
Sun, Feb 13 - 3:28PM
Sunday, February 13 at 9:28PM
replied to a comment on the note Theotokos Prayer Group 2022 - Update No. 3.
Praying for you both and all. Xx
Sun, Feb 13 - 2:02PM
Many thanks Pat 🙏 😘
Sun, Feb 13 - 2:59PM
Sunday, February 13 at 8:59PM
Theotokos Prayer Group 2022 - Update No. 3
to Theotokos Prayer Group
Sunday, February 13 at 2:25PM
edited the note Theotokos Prayer Group 2022 - Update No. 3 in Theotokos Prayer Group
Sunday, February 13 at 2:25PM
saved a draft note Theotokos Prayer Group 2022 - Update No. 3 in Theotokos Prayer Group
Sunday, February 13 at 1:48PM
Ann Liddell and
2 other people
replied to the note Theotokos Prayer Group 2022 - Update No 2.
Sunday, February 13 at 9:17AM
replied to a comment on the note Theotokos Prayer Group 2022 - Update No 2.
Mike and I are holding you and Ann in prayer. Most days I get to mass and
I put you gently on the altar. 😇🎶God bless, Ann Webster
I put you gently on the altar. 😇🎶God bless, Ann Webster
Mon, Feb 7 - 3:05AM
Thank you so much Ann and Mike. God bless you both 🙏 ♥
Praise the Lord 🕊
Praise the Lord 🕊
Mon, Feb 7 - 5:32AM
Monday, February 7 at 11:32AM
Theotokos Prayer Group 2022 - Update No 2
to Theotokos Prayer Group
Sunday, February 6 at 3:49PM
edited the note Theotokos Prayer Group 2022 - Update No 2 in Theotokos Prayer Group
Sunday, February 6 at 3:48PM
saved a draft note Theotokos Prayer Group 2022 - Update No 2 in Theotokos Prayer Group
Sunday, February 6 at 11:23AM
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