Virgin of Vladimir (+ image by the hand of Stephen Allison 2008)

Sunday 2 May 2021

Theotokos Prayer Group 2021 Update No.17


Gospel – John 15:1-8
Jesus said to his disciples:
1 “I am the true vine, and my Father is the vine grower.
2 He takes away every branch in me that does not bear fruit, and every one that does he prunes so that it bears more fruit.
3 You are already pruned because of the word that I spoke to you.
4 Remain in me, as I remain in you. Just as a branch cannot bear fruit on its own unless it remains on the vine, so neither can you unless you remain in me.
5 I am the vine, you are the branches. Whoever remains in me and I in him will bear much fruit, because without me you can do nothing.
6 Anyone who does not remain in me will be thrown out like a branch and wither; people will gather them and throw them into a fire and they will be burned.
7 If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask for whatever you want and it will be done for you.
8 By this is my Father glorified, that you bear much fruit and become my disciples.”


A picture of a large walled rampart, in the middle was a large vine its roots were deeply planted. Jesus was stood on the rampart looking to the distance and coming toward the rampart was an army that had already tried to expunge all traces of God’s Vine throughout the World. 
Jesus raised His Hand and took from His mouth a two edged sword and raised it high at which an Army of Light appeared in the sky, The light was so bright it made the marauders blind and they ran in confusion not knowing where they were, the Army of Light rounded them up and drove them into the Abyss. 
Jesus looked at the World that they had tried to ruin and His people whom they had tried to persecute and kill, His Heart was full for His people. He turned to the vine knowing that its roots could not be killed or ruined, and the vine seemed to go throughout the world pushing up shoots in every country, strong and healthy and the people once again worked on the vines and produced the best wine.

“My Children
The Vine is My Son, your are grafted onto this Vine and nothing can come between you and My Son, you are His Body, His Church, no matter what is sent against Him and His Church it will stand for My Son’s Church and its true teachings stand on solid ground and it’s roots can never be expunged, for My Son is the Way, the Truth and the Life, and all life flows from Him to you His People, You My Children are part of His Body and like the True Vine He nurtures you and guards you. 
You may look around and think how bad things are but you must remember that He will never leave you an orphan, His love overcomes all deceptions and tragedy. 
My Children do not loose heart you are so loved, keep the Faith, keep up your prayer and sacrifice, do not loose Hope, Trust In Him who is Love personified, pray for those who’s Faith is weak, all will be well, if you feel desolate look to My Son’s Cross and this will keep you focused on the right path and in His Divine Will.
Your Mother Mary"

Mary Mother of God "Theotokos", pray for us
Mary Queen of Peace, pray for us
Mary Bride of the Spirit, pray for us

"It is natural enough that we should pray for what we want, always keeping in mind that the real meaning of any petition is to be given grace to accept what happens. Sometimes we can see for ourselves that what appears disastrous, the very thing we did not want, turns out to be a blessing" Sister Wendy Beckett, Sister Wendy on Prayer


We pray for the repose of the soul of Seamus McKeneany from the Hartlepool prayer group. May he Rest Peace. 

Pray that the Holy Spirit would give Anthony wisdom and discernment in his decision making.

Pray for the mental health of James who is very depressed after working from home during Covid and for Lee who has long term mental health problems and it seems the Mental Health Services have come to the end of any help for him.

Pray for the wellbeing of David.

Pray for the people of India as they suffer out of control Covid infections, pray for increased assistance and oxygen supplies from the rest of the World.

Pray for peace and justice in the world. Pray for Yemen, Mozambique and Myanmar and all countries were there is war, unrest, famine and drought.

Pray for Jaimie whom we have been praying for who has only six weeks to live as the cancer has spread all over. Pray for a peaceful death, comfort for her husband and five children one of which is only 3 months old.

Thank you for your prayers for Eileen, her unborn child does not have Downs Syndrome. Praise God.

Pray for healing of memories in the Smith family.

Pray for emotional and inner healing for Dan.

Pray for John who has a brain scan shortly to assess how his cancer treatment has gone.

Pray for healing for Josefina she now has diabetic retinopathy on top of her other problems. She doesn't want to lose what little sight she has left.

Pray for Colin Sutheran. He's in a coma from covid and needs healing.

Thank you for the prayers for Ann's Court hearing which didn't go as hoped. Pray for acceptance and that the matter can be concluded quickly.

Continue to pray for healing for Dave after his cancer surgery.

Continue to pray for Andrew Haygarth that the Lord would bring him healing physically and spiritually.

The girl we are praying for with the mental health problems is doing better but please keep praying for a full recovery.

Continue to pray for healing for Austin, who is fighting Prostate Cancer for the second time.

Pray for Alan Guile and his healing ministry. May God bless him and all those he ministers to.

Pray for Heather who is struggling with personal problems.

Continue to pray for Cath with cancer

Pray for our Government, local authorities and the health services as they deal with the Corona Virus. Pray for a speedy end to the Coronavirus pandemic throughout the world, and for all those who have contracted the virus and for those who have died. Pray that vaccines will be readily available to all throughout the World.

Pray for our priests and our parishes.

Pray for the intentions of all members of Theotokos.

Pray for lost souls.

Pray for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the Church and the World.


1.Theotokos Prayer Group:
2. Stockton Parish Family on Facebook with live streaming of Sunday Masses and Holy Week services:
3. Daily Mass readings can be found at:
4. Bishops Conference of England and Wales Website - keep up to date on the latest situation as regards our Churches and resources for praying the Mass at home:
5. Diocese of Hexham & Newcastle Website:
6. Catholic Charismatic Renewal in England: 
7. Catholic Charismatic Renewal International
8. Celebrate Conference Facebook page 
9. Walsingham Catholic TV
(109) Walsingham Catholic TV - YouTube 

Please let me know if you have anything to share (prayers, readings, pictures , prophecies, inspirations) or any intercessions.
Also please update me on those we are praying for so I can keep the intercession list up to date.
You can also get in touch just to say hello!

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