Virgin of Vladimir (+ image by the hand of Stephen Allison 2008)

Monday 12 July 2010

An urgent call for prayer

Notes of Meeting 6 July 2010

Picture of a shining white host.
First with drops of sweat dripping from it, then bleeding from the scourging, then with thorns embedded within it, then the Cross upon it almost crushing it, then the nails and the spear within it. Blood was freely flowing out on to the world.

With the picture came a feeling of the weight, the grievous pain, the loneliness, the utter abandonment, the breaking heart and the humiliation. Through this Jesus was saying how he loved mankind so much that it hurt, he died for us. Also a feeling of his sorrow that so many were indifferent to him and the cost to the Father in heaven that they ignored his loving son.

Jesus is once again asking us to pray along with his Mother for mankind to turn from the enemy and to turn back to him Jesus, and that they would look at the pitiable sight of himself suffering for love of them and they would be overcome with remorse and they would cry out to his mercy and be saved and loved.

Jesus is saying that there is an urgency, a very real need for our prayers and that he felt a great consolation and a loyalty that so many of his body were working with him by prayer, praise, sacrifice, fasting, giving of time and goods, actions of self denial, offering of pain and helping to build and heal the Kingdom. We are helping as his body in the redemptive cause.

Our praise was of great consolation to him like balm on an open wound, soothing and loving him. The opposite to indifference. If we pray like the first Christians trusting in him great things will happen which may seem impossible to us.
To demonstrate he gave the reading Acts 9 - The conversion of Saul

1 Corinthians 15 v 20 - 28

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